Public Adjuster Jacksonville, Your premier Jacksonville Public Adjuster successfully representing many policy-holders throughout Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Nassau and Flagler Counties. We are Florida residents Serving Jacksonville and the surrounding areas since 1999.

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Public Adjuster Jacksonville-Free Consultation, No upfront fees. If we don't document and collect more than you have been paid or offered, our services are FREE!! We get paid only after you do! We exclusively serve you, not the Insurance Company.

What is a Public Adjuster?
Public Adjusters are your insurance claim adjuster working only for you the insured. The insurance claim adjuster sent by the Insurance Company is their insurance adjuster and has a fiduciary duty to their client the Insurance Company, not you.
As your insurance claim adjuster; we inspect the loss site, analyze the damages, assemble claim support data, review the insurance coverage’s, determine current replacement costs, etc. We know how to properly investigate, document and get claims resolved with the maximum recovery.
Are all Public Adjusters created equal?
All Public Adjusters are not created equal. Public Adjuster Jacksonville-As a result of our principles own losses and dissatisfactions he encountered in retaining Public Adjusting services, he became a Public Adjuster and our company is founded to provide the best possible service for each individual client.

Hail Damage: After we gained recovery on surrounding homes another Public Adjuster received Denial and gained no recovery for his client.
Recently we had the privilege of handling several Hail claims in a subdivision. While we had successfully gained recovery on surrounding residences another Public Adjusting Firm failed to make recovery, receiving a Denial and the Homeowner gained no recovery.
Hurricane Damage: Public Adjuster Documents Claim for over $800,000 then signs Appraisal Award for less than $100,000
A Large Public Adjusting Firm had made claim over $800.000 in damages in a commercial Claim, although then agreed and signed an Appraisal Award for less than $100,000. When the Insured sued them they were not able to receive recovery as this firm had no Errors or Omissions Insurance. Rather Changed their name to a similar one and went back to business as normal.

Public Adjuster Jacksonville Recovery Examples
Residential Type : Wind/Water Location: Jacksonville
Residential Type: Fire/Smoke Location: St. Augustine, Florida
Fire in air handler Created smoke damages throughout throughout the residence. Carrier’s experts estimated damages at $18,764.00 we were retained and the claim was resolved for over $120,000.

A Client contacted us due to a dispute with his Insurance Company on a tile roof. The insurance company wanted to repair and the insured felt a new roof was required and he was owed $53,000. Neither the Insurance Company’s adjuster nor the insured had addressed all the damages suffered. We resolved the claim for $324,000 gaining recovery for the replacement roof and the interior damages suffered. A 511% increase.
Residential Type: Pipe Break Location: Fleming Island
While on vacation a pipe break occurred. Upon reporting to their insurance company the adjuster estimated the damages at $21,407.17. Upon the Insureds dissatisfaction the carrier had their adjuster walk the loss with the Insureds chosen contractor and this contractor’s estimation was $133,648.14 as result of the Adjuster’s representations as to policy terms and conditions.
The Carrier in dismay with the new estimation had their contractor estimate repairs and provided an estimation of $75,830.71. We then became involved and in our walk through with the Contractor a new estimation of $179,606.00 was determined in accordance with the policy.


Public Adjuster Jacksonville -Free Consultation, No upfront fees. If we don’t document and collect more than you have been paid or offered, our services are FREE!! We get paid only after you do! We exclusively serve you, not the Insurance Company.

All Public Adjusters ARE NOT created equal?
Hail Damage: After we gained recovery on surrounding homes another Public Adjuster received Denial and gained no recovery for our Clients Neighbor his client.
Recently we had the privilege of handling several Hail claims in a subdivision. While we had successfully gained recovery on surrounding residences another Public Adjusting Firm failed to make recovery, receiving a Denial and the Homeowner gained no recovery.
Hurricane Damage: Public Adjuster Documents Claim for over $800,000 then signs Appraisal Award for less than $100,000
A Large Public Adjusting Firm had made claim over $800,000 in damages in a commercial Claim, although then agreed and signed an Appraisal Award for less than $100,000. When the Insured sued them they were not able to receive recovery as this firm had no Errors or Omissions Insurance. Rather Changed their name to a similar one and went back to business as normal.
A Few of our past claims
Note: These are average cases, NOT EXCEPTIONS!
Public Adjuster Jacksonville-Denials Don't Scare Us!!!
Type of Claim : Business (Restaurant/Convenience Store) – Fire/Smoke
Location : Orlando, Florida
Insurance Company denied claim in its entirety. We documented damage and under appraisal clause of the policy recovered $125,000 for the insured
Type of Claim : Church – Wind/Water
Location : Pensacola, Florida
The church suffered water damages to the parsonage and Sunday school building. The Insurance Company denied the claim in its entirety. Recovery was $85,000 for the covered damages.
Public Adjuster Jacksonville our collections are typically 100’s % higher than the Insurance Company’s original estimate. Call today for a FREE consultation. If we inspect your loss and if our investigation finds the Insurers offer fair, you at least have the peace of mind of having a free professional second opinion.
Call Today 1-866-432-7093
How to make insurance Claim?

Do I have a claim?
Policies have specific coverage’s and exclusions, Review your policy Coverage’s and Exclusions Read the endorsements and changes, to see how they apply to your claim. If you are unsure if a claim is covered under your policy, call us for free advice.
Note Water Damages; Pipe Breaks, washing machine overflow, Burst Water heater, Shower pan failures, Faulty drain pipes, HVAC Backup, Burst Ice maker lines & appliance Leaks etc. Many policies have exclusion similar to the following prompt reporting is necessary.
“We do not insure for loss caused directly or indirectly by: Constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam, or the presence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor; which occurs over a period of 14 or more days”.

Reporting the Claim
*Read your Policy including all Forms and Endorsements*
How the claim is reported can have serious consequence on your claim, the speed of settlement, amount of recovery or your claim could be denied entirely. It is your responsibility to report the claim and the insurance company’s responsibility to investigate the claim you reported.
Some very important pointers;
Don’t limit your claim! Preform a complete and thorough investigation of all property or have a professional investigate the damages so that your claim can properly be reported. We are continually advised damage is confined to one room or area and our investigation finds just as much or even more damage in an adjacent room or area as no one had looked.
Be very careful in explaining the damages and your expectations; an example would be the adjuster asks is there any damage to the furniture, your reply is “see the damage on that table leg”. A few weeks later you receive the adjusters’ summary and it contains $50 to refinish the table’s leg. Can the table leg even be refinished?
The proper way to make claim on this table;
Is the table part of a pair or set such a dining set? If so advise that the Table is part of set and you are making claim for the set.
Contact the store of purchase or a reputable furniture refinisher and see if a repair can be done. Advise the contractor of your requirements i.e. to match and restore if the entire set to its condition prior to the loss, refinishers rarely can guarantee total restoration without refinishing the entire set and may not even be able to restore in even attempting the set.
Be very careful of your wording when making claim as words can have specific definition in accordance with the policy.
Flood, by policy definition in many insurance policies is rising ground water and not covered under an ordinary Homeowners Policy. We have seen many claims wrongfully denied just because the ponding occurred due to a covered loss which is covered under the policy, but the claim was reported as a flood and therefore denied.
Report the claim to your Insurance Company and/or your agent. The declaration page of your policy and/or the policy itself provides information for making a claim. Some policies require claim to be made directly to the Insurance Company and not the agent. It is your job to report the claim. It is the Adjuster job to investigate the claim “You Report”. Public Adjuster Jacksonville

Mitigation and compliance with your duties after a loss

*Read your Policy, “Your Duties After Loss"*
1. Comply with all of “Your Duties After Loss”
2. Take necessary action to prevent further damage.
There is an obligation of mitigation under your policy. If temporary repairs are needed, they should be completed as soon as possible. Do not make permanent repairs before an insurance adjuster inspects the loss. Make only temporary repairs necessary to protect from further damage and possible looting.
General contractors are recommended for any jobs that are require three or more trades. Trades men/Specialty contractor/Handy men are not entitled to receive profit and overhead, are not licensed for multiple trades and do not offer a consumer protection as afforded by licensed general contractor.
3. Make a list of all damage items and take pictures of everything
Many insurance policies require documentation of the age of the item, purchased price, actual cash value of the item at the time of the loss and current replacement cost value.
Pictures/Photos of damages, pictures/photos before the loss (as many as you can)
Make a list of all damaged items including the value of it (for the best of your knowledge)
All receipts, invoices, checks and any expense you have occurred
Get what you are OWED and not what the insurance company wants to PAY.

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Public Adjuster Jacksonville Services
Insurance Assurance Inc., your premier Public Adjuster Jacksonville can offer you variety of different services:
Public Adjusting Services
Appraisal Services
Mediation Services

Commercial / Business Claims

Condominium/ Association/Apartment Claims

Residential / Homeowner Claims

When the process was complete we had a meeting and were told to call with any questions we may have while doing our repairs. This company not only cares about their clients during the process but also offers their assistance til your back to normal living. I cannot praise this company enough!"